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Paul Ingram

Ingram Installations Ltd would like to further reassure our customers that we are doing everything possible to ensure that your Emergency Standby Generator needs will be fulfilled over the forthcoming weeks or even months, within the restrictions put in place by Her Majesty’s Government.

Image by Alexey Hulsov from Pixabay

We are currently in Phase 2 of our Contingency Plan whereby our Engineers are, as previously stated in our Phase 1 update, fully stocked with Antibacterial Wipes in their vans and have been briefed on minimising any possible spread of the COVID-19 by regularly washing/wiping their hands and equipment. Each Engineer also carries stocks of disposable gloves to wear whilst working or in communal areas.

Our engineers have been advised to minimise contact with personnel on site, other than the engineers required, and due to most generator rooms being away from offices, hospital wards etc., they are at minimal risk on site. However, where possible, and to prevent our engineers entering offices, we request that any keys etc. are brought out to our engineers in their vehicles, together with conformation before attendance that there has been no contamination within the area for at least 14 days.

None of our engineers have been to any of the affected countries in the past two months.

We are also immediately forwarding any site instructions or restrictions received from customers to all members of Ingram staff.

If you should have a problem with your Generator we would suggest that an initial ‘Over the Phone’ analysis is carried out to see if resetting the control system or similar actions that can be carried out by site personnel will sort the issue or indicate the problem. Our engineers will attend site as necessary, if this does not resolve the issue.

All staff have been briefed in respect of symptoms and are to immediately “self-isolate” and report the fact by telephone to Senior Management.

It is currently “business as usual”, where possible although we would prefer any forward planned meetings to be via conference call facilities.

In the event of several of our staff members having to self-isolate, we can ensure continuance with most office-based staff working from home on laptops. We also have the back up of sub-contractor engineers who we can call upon in the event of sickness within the manual workforce.



Our Details

   Unit 13 Newby Road Industrial Estate,

   Hazel Grove, Stockport

   SK7 5DA

   See Our Location

   Tel: 0161 456 8288

   Contact Form

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Ingram Installations is part of the Ingram Power Group. A team of companies offering a range of generator and power systems for a wide range of applications. Working within this group gives us a wider range of knowledge and ability to better serve our customers.


Ingrams are experts in generators, specialising in standby generator power, with either gas or diesel generator. Offering professional generator installation, as well as, generator maintenance and repair.


We are also proudly Premier Dealers for

Himoinsa Generators.

Ingram. Himionsa Premier Dealers

Copyright 2021 Ingram Installations Ltd. All Rights Reserved 

All our calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes

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